Friday 25 November 2016


After a late night at dinner art CH's a late lazy morning sleeping in. Up at 10. Washed and dressed and out to café - St James - on Pall Mall. Had coffee then off to underground to Leicester Sq. This a big waste and mistake. In the time it takes to walk to Green Park Underground could have easily walked to Leicester Sq. Once there to Cecil Court to Patere3 Ellis books to pick up the Prynne book I had purchased in September. A very nice copy of his 1972 poems titled "Into The Day".

Poked about Cecil Court for a bit then walked back along Pall Mall to Club. Stopped here to drop our clobber and get a light lunch in the Bloomfield Room.

Refreshed we headed out to do errands at Fortnum's (tea for home) and Gift for Kat. I headed to Hatchard's whilst leaving Janet in the crush at Fortnum's. We meet up at the bookshop and walked towards Club to Berry Brothers. There I bought a btl. of a 2003 Sauterne as a gift for CC and SC. for when we go up to Ely Sunday.

We have tickets for the Picasso exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery for 6:30. Will have tea here then head to Gallery. Back here for a late dinner.


Exhibition was good. Not packed out which was the best feature.  I liked the early things but find it difficult to relate to his later portraits. I simply don't have the astatic to appreciate this art,

So walk back to club, change for dinner and dinner in Coffee Room - same menu as Wednesday. Had the duck and a wonderful bottle of Ch, Poujeaux 2000!

Club seems to have lost our laundry - but they promise to have it back by tomorrow morning. We shall see.

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