Tuesday 1 December 2015


A Portrait of an Affair in Conversation


Part I


JF May 4, 2007 at 5:45pm
Hi Dr. S!
Last night was so much fun!!! Thanks again for dinner at the club it was a wonderful experience :)

L May 6, 2007 at 3:47am
I thought it is awesome... You were awesome! I really want to see you again - perhaps when I am in NYC... Be sure you contact Morgen.

JF May 7, 2007 at 10:33pm
I will contact Morgen once I get back into the states, thanks again! Yes, we must meet up as I told my father you are my new best friend! I am sure that I will be in Boston as well, visiting my sister or just taking a day trip with my father. We have a good conversation dynamic...tis true. To be honest I was not expecting such a cool person as you... Have a safe trip home!

L May 8, 2007 at 2:55am
I am sure I am like normally really dull and boring. But you brought out the best in me and then some. YES if you are in Boston do let me know immediately and we'll fix something up..

Have a safe trip back. Just arrived here in Boston myself today..

First hint of sex:
JF October 2, 2007 at 8:01am
so how did you like cyber sex?? fun right?? i think people know when you did it, because today i got looks from people on the street. But not bad looks, like, wow i want you in bed. And when i was leaving from the exam my teacher totally wanted me to stay and talk to him, because i think he knew... or maybe i just looked good

L October 2, 2007 at 9:05am
but but you always look good! and I want you in bed (no disrespect here). ya it was really great fun and i sooooo enjoyed you. You are a great partner for sure. London will be lonely without you.

So you never said weather you could come down to "visit your sister" on the 13th. we could hang out for the afternoon etc. etc. a thought... you can see that i am a bit taken with your friendship and want to explore more with you.

JF October 2, 2007 at 9:53am
L you must court me first!

L October 3, 2007 at 5:21am
That was so much fun. We will have to be sure we do this whilst i am in London. It got a bit hot there - white panties etc. i felt i should leave the conversation and go jerk off. But i survived. You do have to let me see you in your white panties.

L October 4, 2007 at 6:26am
i know this is stupid. I know you have a life and i am only a very small part of it and i should have no expectation that we would be in constant contact. But being out of touch I am finding so frustrating. i am in meetings all day tomorrow and finish at about 3:30 and then need to get a train back to London. Tomorrow is your heavy day. I’ll try and get you somehow during your afternoon. I'll try texting with my US phone. Do send me a message on fb telling me whether you got any of my tests today and my crazy messages about numbers...

JF October 4, 2007 at 7:14am

L you are a big part of my life now... come on do you think i let anyone get as close as i did with you?? i like you, i like your company, i like your conversation, i like your intelligence... don’t say that again if you need to reach me or talk to me just do it. I like it when i talk to you or get messages from you, it makes me smile :) 
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