Friday 7 November 2014

****** RANDOM DIALOGUES ******



Julie: and yes i still do want to be up in Cambridge

me: OK so need to think about jobs and you must tell me what is in your head

 Julie: i am not sure   i have to try out things to see if i like them or not

 me: yes but must g-have some thoughts   yes well that is fine

 Julie: i tried out interior decorating and i don’t really like it so much, but it is good for now

 me: OK well we will look at jobs at Harvard

 Julie: maybe a PR

 me: lots of different kinds  want to teach school?

Julie: ha i just finished the biggest book in my life  i don’t think i will be qualified

 me: OK

Julie: we can discuss later  now i want to kiss you   and hug you and take care of you

 me: yes sure -   pls do - i so need you am so bereft without you here near me
  so like never throw me over OK

 Julie: omg never ever  Leandor -   you are my family

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