Monday 5 June 2017

Last Gleanings - Connolly -

Image result for schoolboy writing on wax tablet
Learning to write is the beginning of life

Enemies of Promise

“…in spite of the slow conversion of progressive ideas into the fact of history, the dark ages have a way of coming back.”

“I could not imagine a moment when I should not be receiving marks for something, when ‘poor’ or ‘very fair’ or ‘Beta plus’ was not being scrawled across my conduct-sheet by the Great Examiner.”

“12 July. Life should be lived, wildly and feverishly within, outwardly with absolute calm and composure.”

“Time itself works against us. The moments that are evil it eternalizes; the moments that might be good it hurries to annihilation. All that is most precious is most precarious…The winged psyche, even at the moment of birth, is sick with the pangs of dissolution.”

Connolly: Journal

“…I existed to celebrate my sense of guilt.”

“Idleness only a coarse name for my infinite capacity for living in the present.”

“…just as we may suddenly look with passion at someone who has deceived us before the memory of their infidelities swarms in on us again.”

“I felt a slight sense of mockery and waste – how much of my mind and youth and tenderness had I poured into those now emptied receptacles.”

“ I am tired of acquaintances, and tired of friends unless they’re intelligent, tired also of extrovert unbookish life. Me for good talk, wet evenings, intimacy, vins rouges en carafe, reading, relative solitude…”

“Writing is an accident arising out of certain unhappinesses.”

“A romantic converted to realism loses his faith not only in his creed but in himself.”

 “22nd. Wet day – spent in bookshops.“

“No cause is lost today as that of pleasure.”

“There is an integrity in true worldliness which a saint would envy.”

“…febrile flourishes…”

“…the natural lubricity of adolescence.”

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