Tuesday, 6 October 2015




jfeskoe: yea   ok so have to tell you something

 me: ya so ok

 jfeskoe: but don’t get pissed

 me: will try not to

 jfeskoe: so Kris came in and handed me a drink

 me: just now

 jfeskoe: and he wants to hang a bit and talk


 me: go or rather who do you want I guess is the real question

jfeskoe: is that ok?  really?

 me: you must choose.  Not my choice or decision tell me bluntly and honestly what you want???

jfeskoe: well i want to talk to you and straighten out tomorrow but i do want to just hang with kirs

 me: what do you want more me or him that is your choice here Jules.   it really comes down to that I think

jfeskoe: ii will stay

 me: So all I ask is for you to be honest with me.  I do not want to force you to stay.

jfeskoe: bc i do not want to upset you and cut you off

me: but you would rather be with him just now right ?

 jfeskoe: sort of -  but i want you too

 me: GO then -  see this is what I just do not get

 jfeskoe: will it be ok though?

 me: see you tomorrow perhaps if you can work that out

 jfeskoe: yes i will see you tomorrow i will come. will try not to bring maura.

 me: honestly it is not ok form my point of view it is very much not ok because what is says is not pleasant

I am not going to absolve you in this situation nor am I am not gong to force you so since it is abundantly clear you prefer home over me go drink  - do what the fuck hell you like…

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