Thursday 3 November 2016

Phrases et Mots Français

                            FRENCH WORDS AND PHRASES I LIKE

Business Man – l’homme d’affaries

Method of operation   - mode d’emploi

Distinguished man – eminence gris

Legibility – lisibileté

The story – L’histoire

Car – voiture

Match – allumette

Pour my heart in you – couler mon coeur en vous...

                 BELIEF - Croyance

                              PLUS DE MOTS

The Right Word - Le mot juste

Behind  - derrière  (I like  sound)

Oblivion - L'oubli

Monday 31 October 2016

Réflexions de Modiano

Image result for the black notebook modiano

Image result for the black notebook modiano

"Do we have the right to judge the people we love? If we love them , it's for a reason, and that reason prevents us from judging them --- doesn't it?"

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