Thursday 24 November 2016



After spending an evening where I became increasingly crampy - got up to use bathroom and had loose BM. Came back to bed but got very nauseous. Threw up a bit. Back to bed but up over next few hours with cramps.  Feeling weak and light headed. Not at all well. Wondering if this due to scallops last evening - possible I suppose...

No Thanksgiving lunch - spent day in bed trying to recover. Finally by 5 felt well enough to go to tea and think about going to CH for dinner in Islington. Got car and went to CH. Survived by eating little and not having too much drink.

JG and RB at dinner. Amusing and fun as usual. Wines as usual also very good.

Mini cab back to club as I could not book Addison Lee -

Tomorrow to Peter Ellis to pick up book and run other errands.

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