Monday, 26 December 2016


From the Journals of Denton Welch.

                                           "It is quite true that a general unwillingness to appreciate robs most people of their eyes, nose, mouth, ears, limbs." (January 1946)

                                         "I know tonight  that it is best for me to be alone most of the time - near people who wish me well and like to see me, but alone; for in loneness everything seems to grow into its proper place and there is hardly any waste of spirit." (May 1946)

                                          "Yet it is most important to have people near one that one need hardly see...One's strength is not enough to bear this with no other help near." (May 1946)

                                         "I do not think that people want love most, they need the settled reverie, the calm testing and tasting of their past and the world's past.
I am talking about "people" when I mean "me"." (May 1946)

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