Thursday, 1 January 2015

***** THE NEW YEAR *****

In silence and stillness we await it's coming...
In the holy night while frosty air makes moan - this night
filled with expectancy of promises yet unknown.

All hope bends to the New Year's opening and our dreams as yet un-filled.
All yet possible - desire not known but yet to be.

And so we wait in this silence for what will be.

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

***** GLEANINGS *****


May Sarton – Journal of a Solitude

Loss made everything sharp.
…the tearing up of the roots of love.

I shiver in my isolation…

…my life waiting for me somewhere, asking to be created again.

It has been stupidly difficult to let go…

…clutching is the surest way to murder love,…

…the more one realizes how very few people could be called happy, how complex and demanding every deep human relationship is, how much real pain, anger, and despair are concealed.

The only thing that is not chance is what one asks of oneself and how well or how badly one meets one’s own standard.

About love I have little to learn from the young.

For of course one is never safe when in love.

When it comes to the important things one is always alone.

Monday, 29 December 2014


Rosary Chapel - Matisse

Frank Stella

Matisse Sorrow of the king

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