20 June - 29 June
Journal d'un Voyage
Journal d'un Voyage
18 June - Packing almost done. Finally sorted new side bag. Secret was not to put too much in bag. Finally decided not to talk the Surface. The hassle would not be worth the use I got from it. There are computers at club and JG said I could borrow an unused laptop he has. Dinner jacket etc. for Garsington Opera packed but still need to press fold and pack formal shirt. That should be it for me, JS still need to pull her stuff together and pack in second case.
Looks to be warmer than I had thought when I last checked the Met Forecast. Adjusted the jacket I'll wear.
Discovered we need to buy at least two additional TSA locks. Thought we had more but apparently not. Called for car early for Tuesday - 6:00 - to cope with new and likely longer security routine at Logan.
Only tomorrow to pull it all together!
19 June - The last day prior to a journey is always anxiety making. Worrying about what is done and not done - last minute things to put to bed. Called Houghton Library to pay invoice for reproduction services on the Guazzo Play - 1524. To Harvard Credit Union to pay bill etc. etc.
Checked in online this AM so that is done and boarding passes in hand.
20 June - Flight this AM from Logan. Car coming at 6. Quick coffee now, dress and out.
June 20th - Arrived London 19:00. Were upgrade3d to business yet again.
-Trouble with accessing Heathrow express tickets on phone! Conductor accepted explanation but return tickets went into the Ether!!!!
-Arrived O&C Club and got sandwiches nd some wine as too late for last orders in coffee room.
-Were put in 403 again. Tiny as usual but decided to cope.
June 21st - Heat wave most uncomfortable. Temps over 30 C. Hottest June day since heat wave of 1976. Went out early to avoid heat of the day. Got coffee at out usual café on Pall Mall.
Bookstore - and Harris Pharmacy to buy essential meds.
Meds in our bags seemed to have gone missing - minor crisis. One bag appeared to have been opened. Blamed it on TSA. Critical drug could be supplied by CH as he is taking same drug. But could only bring when he arrived back form Italy and met us for dinner at Club on 21st. So would moss two days of dosing! Write PCP to email script in case.
June 22nd. Heat moderated some. Went to Quaritch early to collect book (Leonard Woolf's edition of V. Woolf's diaries) from Bow Window Books in Lewis where BS lives. Saw AD and invited him to the RM dinner at the Oriental Club for the 23rd.
Nice visit with BS. Discussed deaccessioning some continental books. Back to club to meet JDG and CH for lunch. Told her I'd send list when back in Cambridge.
CH and JDG for Lunch at Club. Nice meal with very good wine. Finished about 3.
Evening to Oriental Club for drinks and dinner from RM. About 20 ppl at the event. AD came as out guest. Seemed to enjoy himself. Did a typical "Show and Tell" at conclusion of dinner. I brought two books - the Vasosin Hecuba - Paris 1551 and Dolce's translation into Italian 1543.
June 23rd. Met JR at Club and went by car I had ordered to Lord's for the Varsity match. Cambridge lost this year as they did last year but by only 9 runs - a much better effort. And they did not give up a massive amount of runs on wide balls as they did in last year's match. Had lunch in the long bar.
Chatted a good deal about HR and IR and HR's probable decision to take a gap year.
We left about 5:30 by car and I dropped JR at Green Park and continued on to Club.
At Club we had light dinner in the Squash Bar (the old name).
June 24th. At Club in Morning. To Hatchard's to look at Books. Bought anniversary copy of V Woolf's "Mark on the Wall" combined with story by Mark Haddon in a dos-a-dos binding.
About 2 CH picked us up for drive to opera at Garsington. Made good time getting out of London.
Arrived about 3:30-4.
Had our picnic on the "Terrace" of the Theater. This was a good choice as doors to Hall were just opposite our table.
Discovered we need to buy at least two additional TSA locks. Thought we had more but apparently not. Called for car early for Tuesday - 6:00 - to cope with new and likely longer security routine at Logan.
Only tomorrow to pull it all together!
19 June - The last day prior to a journey is always anxiety making. Worrying about what is done and not done - last minute things to put to bed. Called Houghton Library to pay invoice for reproduction services on the Guazzo Play - 1524. To Harvard Credit Union to pay bill etc. etc.
Checked in online this AM so that is done and boarding passes in hand.
20 June - Flight this AM from Logan. Car coming at 6. Quick coffee now, dress and out.
June 20th - Arrived London 19:00. Were upgrade3d to business yet again.
-Trouble with accessing Heathrow express tickets on phone! Conductor accepted explanation but return tickets went into the Ether!!!!
-Arrived O&C Club and got sandwiches nd some wine as too late for last orders in coffee room.
-Were put in 403 again. Tiny as usual but decided to cope.
June 21st - Heat wave most uncomfortable. Temps over 30 C. Hottest June day since heat wave of 1976. Went out early to avoid heat of the day. Got coffee at out usual café on Pall Mall.
Bookstore - and Harris Pharmacy to buy essential meds.
Meds in our bags seemed to have gone missing - minor crisis. One bag appeared to have been opened. Blamed it on TSA. Critical drug could be supplied by CH as he is taking same drug. But could only bring when he arrived back form Italy and met us for dinner at Club on 21st. So would moss two days of dosing! Write PCP to email script in case.
June 22nd. Heat moderated some. Went to Quaritch early to collect book (Leonard Woolf's edition of V. Woolf's diaries) from Bow Window Books in Lewis where BS lives. Saw AD and invited him to the RM dinner at the Oriental Club for the 23rd.
Nice visit with BS. Discussed deaccessioning some continental books. Back to club to meet JDG and CH for lunch. Told her I'd send list when back in Cambridge.
CH and JDG for Lunch at Club. Nice meal with very good wine. Finished about 3.
Evening to Oriental Club for drinks and dinner from RM. About 20 ppl at the event. AD came as out guest. Seemed to enjoy himself. Did a typical "Show and Tell" at conclusion of dinner. I brought two books - the Vasosin Hecuba - Paris 1551 and Dolce's translation into Italian 1543.
June 23rd. Met JR at Club and went by car I had ordered to Lord's for the Varsity match. Cambridge lost this year as they did last year but by only 9 runs - a much better effort. And they did not give up a massive amount of runs on wide balls as they did in last year's match. Had lunch in the long bar.
We left about 5:30 by car and I dropped JR at Green Park and continued on to Club.
At Club we had light dinner in the Squash Bar (the old name).
June 24th. At Club in Morning. To Hatchard's to look at Books. Bought anniversary copy of V Woolf's "Mark on the Wall" combined with story by Mark Haddon in a dos-a-dos binding.
About 2 CH picked us up for drive to opera at Garsington. Made good time getting out of London.
Arrived about 3:30-4.
Had our champers but not our first course of dressed crab. And went in. Had more time than we thought and should have had first course. The interval was stated to be longer than it actually was so a bit rushed - had pudding after the Opera.
The opera staging and production itself were clearly very "camp" - trying to be too clever! But voices and band were excellent. So overall a good experience.
Late back to London. Finally to bed about 0:00
June 25th. Up early to get train to Ely. Called for a car after a quick coffee. Got to Kings Cross in enough time to sort tickets. Cost us 22 pounds excess to sort out tickets but better than loosing the entire fare. JG had purchased a cheep day return forgetting we were staying over with CC!
Track announced and on to train. Sat for a bit then fellow passenger tells coach that the track's been changed. So we pile off and go to track 0! Jan being bit silly would not head to front coaches! But I knew the train would divide at Cambridge. So when we arrived in Cambridge had to exit and dash up the platform to proper coach for Ely. As it happened there was sufficient time.
Reached Ely in good time and walked to CC's house. From there to meet JDG at the Fountain Pub and on to lunch at the Poets house. Lunch OK but not great. Walked home with CC after getting caught in a brief Shower. JDG went back to Cathedral for rehearsal as he was singing at Even Song.
We all came back to Even Song as it was the feast of St Etheldreda. Interesting service with procession to the garden...
PM - Back to CC at Annesdale House. Had light supper of soup and cheese then much talk of books and printing. And so to bed.
June 26th. Up earlish. After Breckers wandered along river and stopped at Antique shop but bought nothing this time. Then after packing up to Station and Train to London.
London: Took tube from Kings Cross. At club. In early evening took car to Islington to dinner at CH's. Fine dinner - pork shoulder, started with a soup, cheese and pudding to follow. Really fine wine including a 2004 Ch. Palmer.
June 27th. SA to lunch at Club. Were intending to dine in Bloomfield room but too noisy form workmen next door so at in Coffee Room. Nice visit.
June 28th. Godchildren to Tea at Club. HR's 18th birthday. Gave him his presents which seemed a minor success. Impossible to buy anything for him as he says wants nothing. IR come with him so we managed a visit with her also.
Last dinner at Club that evening.
June 29th. Was to have meeting re company investment at 10 - But never came off. Had lunch and took car to Paddington for Heathrow Express to airport. Flew out at 18:20 arrived Boston late.,