Wednesday 26 February 2014


                             Tell me where is the whimsy in it and I will show you a love worth having.

Whither has whimsy fled and why?

Sunday 23 February 2014


“Bring me a beaker of wine that I may wet my mind and say something clever.” Aristophanes


Who loves, will not be adored.

The sleep of friendship is its death.

                        Richard Duppa (1829)

Women never dine alone. When they dine alone they don’t dine.

                            Henry James, The Given Case

Roman Catholics claim to be infallible; Anglicans to be always right.


Love is respectful and timorous.

                   Dr. Johnson

People are entitled to shout when they are drunk. That is not being disorderly.

A diary would have been conversation if it could.
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