Thursday 1 July 2021




 I was reflecting today about the pleasures one had as a youth in those distant pre-adolescent days about ages 10-12.

When one was ill then it was exquisite pleasure not to have to go to school but be enforced to spend the day in bed. One could read comic books, other books and eat bisquets etc. whilst in bed and not be chided by one’s nanny for getting crumbs in the bed.

How different being ill as an adult is. There is simply not the same innocent pleasure. We are loath to be absent from work, being idle in bed or idle at all has lost it attractions – bisquets or not. We are wont to read not frivolous things but serious work papers. As an adult the illnesses we experience are other more serious and distressful compared to those of childhood – measles and chicken pox notwithstanding.

So I mused about a lost age – a lost innocence. 


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