Saturday 13 May 2017


THINGS I DO LIKE                                  THINGS I DISLIKE

Books in general                                                                      Republicans in general

Old (rare) Books of Plays                                                         Alt Right Types

Women                                                                                    Beets

Pork & Ham                                                                            Liver

Old Fountain Pens                                                                   Humid Weather

University of Cambridge                                                          Princeton

Good Claret                                                                             Tequila

Biking                                                                                      Running

Claire S.                                                                                   Julie F.

MA                                                                                          NJ

Occasional Cigar                                                                      Cigarettes

Cognac                                                                                     Am. Brandy

Tighty Whities                                                                         Boxers

China Tea with cream                                                              Coffee black w/o Sugar

Palestine                                                                                   Israel

Teachers                                                                                  Police

Monday 8 May 2017


Image result for caius college

“I have seldom been heart-free and life without love for me has always seemed like an operation without anaesthetic. I have been inclined to regard that condition as the justification of existence and the one that takes priority over all other ideologies.”

Love the most generous passion of the mind,

    That cordial drop heaven in our cup has thrown

  To make the nauseous draught of life go down

Connolly - Enemies Of Promise

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