Wednesday 27 March 2019


Show me O lord a token                                   Fac mecum Domine, signum
for good: that they who                                     in bonum: ut videant, qui me
hate me may see, and be                                    oderunt, et confundantur: quoniam
confounded: because                                         tu, Domine, adiuvisti me, et consolatus
Thou, O Lord, hast                                            es me. Ps. Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam,
helped me, and hast                                           et exaudi me: quoniam inops et pauper sum
comforted me. Ps. Incline                                  ego.
Thy ear, O Lord, and hear me:
for I am needy and poor.

These words are as appropriate now as for the time in which they were composed

Those who attended the recent AIPC meetings should listen and hear as should all Israel!

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