Thursday, 6 December 2018



December came sooner than I expected. A busy season. My anniversary, Christmas and soon afer Janet's birthday.

Past three days have been busy. Monday we had Carol to lunch here, Had not seen her f0or a few years. Hard to credit that. But we had q nice visit and a nice lunch. Served a nice haddock, a drinkable Grave and a nice lemon and chocolate cake. A good visit. We cant make t5he3 next so long apart.

Tuesday had out Real Estate agent here with floor plan person.

Wednesday was in the Union club for a business meeting re raising capital for CNDx. Then lunch with JS to discuss Union Club library matters.

Quieter day today. Call this AM with financial advisor then errands in the Sq. Need to take books to Harvard bookstore and purchase printer ink, almost totally out.

Weather continues cold but not as cold as yesterday. Saturday looks to be much colder.

Having finished the new biography of Evelyn Waugh am now reading his diaries.

Late morning went t bank to get cash. Then went up to Harvard bookstore to sell some used books. They as it always seem took about half or less. No rhyme or reason to which they take and don't take form what I can see.

Stopped to buy cognac and some lettuce and so home.

7-12-18  Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbour. Who remembers - who commemorates the day? My uncle was there!

Cold day again. Off to market to get some things for dinner. Then back here to write and do emails for company business.

9-12-18 Second Sunday of Advent. I like the Introit for this day: "Populus
Sion, ecce Domius veniet ad salvandas gentes…" Lord knows the nations do need saving.

At COV lunch yesterday as Sam's guest as I've resigned from the Club. Lunch (cod) better than usual. Simon Eccles (son of the 1st Viscount Eccles and step son of Mary Hyde) at lunch. Apparently now living in Boston on the Hill on Chestnut St. An interesting table of 13! Some dead wood but no really dreadful people. Saw Tweed Roosevelt on my way out...apparently he is still living at the club house.

Busy week coming up. E to clean on Wednesday so shall go to Union Club for the day and work in library on Abbot archive. Thursday Holiday Reception at Union Club and Friday Library Committee meeting. Saturday Christmas Party in Somerville.

Mostly home today reading and discussing sale of this place and move. Out briefly to buy glue and coffee also to get short walk in.

Listening to Carols and Lessons from Mem Church at Harvard. Frankly, Kings Cambridge does it much better!

Cooking duck confit (French Tin) tonight - shall be interesting. Hopefully decent.


Confit last night a bit of work. In the end ok but not sure worth the effort. Shan't repeat anytime soon.

Quiet day today. Went out early to collect trousers that were let out and shirts at Laundry.

Heard finally from Archivist at Harvard. Arranged she'd come see the Abbot material at Union Club after the holidays. As it is 99% Harvard material really belongs at Harvard. We shall see what can be worked out.

Heard also from Hema at Quaritch- finally. As it happens they have apparently not as yet received payment so I am kept waiting. Hopefully will see some funds soon...

Have not heard from either Charles or Adam re houses in Salem. Shall give it this week before I write again.

Need to replace battery in my I-phone. There is a place near which I shall walk to tomorrow. Cost about $49.00.

Still reading Waugh's Diary. After this will go back to George Ticknor "Life Letters and Journal".


Quiet day yesterday. Ran some errands in the Square, read and sent emails. Read Waugh's diary and looked into Tickner's Journals and Letters. Will go into Square today to see about small Christmas for Janet also anniversary gift. Made up Anniversary card yesterday. Will print that today.

Still cold and promises to be colder still tomorrow when we have to go out to Union Club. Burr.

Decided to put off buying new battery for phone. Seems to have settled down. Will watch it and if it goes wonky will get new battery.

Still no word from Adam regarding Salem house. If I don't hear by Friday will ring him.


In all day today.  Drafted cash flow memo for Finn advisor.

Out last night to holiday reception ay Union Club. Met Prebles there. Was a fun party - good eats and drinks. Perhaps one drink too many. Home by T about ten. Slept well...

Out tomorrow to drop off books and do some food shopping. Have evening party in Somerville n=but wont stay long.


Out about 11 to pick up zip car and head to market. Traffic was horrible! Christmas I wonder? Got to fresh pond market and nowhere to park. Must have circled the area for 20 minutes. Finally went down the side road near the bookshop and managed top park. A good thing that as we had two bags of books to drop off at the bookshop.

Did our marketing and  ordered our Christmas joint. Then to book shop. Errand went swiftly and go a tax credit for the books. Home and to lunch.

Out tonight to Christmas party in Sommerville. Ordered a lyft for about 6:40 and a car for return. This way there3 is no hassle in finding the house.

Nice party but did not know majority of people. And for my poor hearing a bit too noisy,

Tomorrow Gaudete Sunday:


Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete: modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus prope est. Nihil solliciti sitis: sed in omni oratione petitiones vestrae innotescant apud Deum.
Ps. Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam: avertisti captivitatem Iacob. 


Dull grey start to the day. Weather certainly no cause for gaudete! Wanted to sleep in this Am after broken sleep last night. 

Just back from the Square. Walked in after services to get coffee at Peets. What began as a half acceptable weather day turned raw and wet when we headed back home. Truly miserable now. A good day to stay in read and write.


Up late this AM. Dull day again - rain overnight. Out about 11 to run errands - shirts to cleaners, PO tp mail card and drugstore to pick up script. 

Stopped for lite lunch at Harvest. Home and sent emails re CNDx. Rang PM to cancel meeting for tomorrow until after holiday. Got money from Bank for Boxing Day gifts.


Into Boston yesterday. Thought I had cancelled a meeting but had nit heard from the chap I was to meet with so went into town. As it happened his email had crashed.  We met only briefly and set a date for after the holidays.

Teddy back from the Netherlands so took him into lunch at the Union Club. Showed him the Abbot (Class of 1855) scrapbook of Harvard material especially the material relating to Abbot's teaching Latin and Greek at Harvard. Discussed his plans. I think now he is more or less settled to pursue a doctoral degree. He programme in the Netherlands is for two years.

Quiet afternoon and cooked the pork roast for dinner. Did not come out so well as it usually does. But decent enough to eat. 

E to clean today so decamped early and got aa table at Darwin's. J joined me after she had given E our Christmas gift. Had some breakfast then we each went our ways to run errands. I went into the Prudential Centre in Boston to the Microsoft store to check out the new smaller Surface machine I'd been contemplating  purchasing for some time. Did purchase it after all but cost more than I anticipated. I think I got taken for Office 365 which I already had. So cost was over $600! At least purchasing now it can be written off on this years taxes.

Much smaller than my current Surface3 which has been wonky lately and not functioning well at times.

Tomorrow my wedding anniversary. We will go out to dinner at Deuxave in Boston where we were last year.

Thoughts for this anniversary:

After these many years it has all been said - the good, the bad; the kind, and the unkind.

What more is there now but to live as we have - for today, and tomorrow and tomorrow until there are no more tomorrows...

"Two such as you with such a master speed
Cannot be parted nor be swept away
From one another once you are agreed
That life is only life forevermore
Together wing to wing and oar to oar."
R. Frost


Errands and working up finn. projections for coming year. Spent time setting up now Surface go on which I'm typing now.  So far like it.

Fussed some with my non-functioning WAPO app. Finally today sorted it out so now can agaon read on my phone.

Out last evening to Deuxave to celebrate anniversary. Had a good time. But as with most laces a few glitches but nothing tragic. In retrospect meal good but not great. Rather than the T we took a lyft up and back which worked out well.

Very we grey day here. Will walk out later perhaps up to Harvard Bookstore to poke around and get some exercise. Will read and do some writing here later today. 


Saturday. Up not too late, Collected car about ten to go to market -  shopping for Christmas Lunch. Bought wine and beef joint as well as madeira, and wine. Decided not to buy Champers. Did not get cheese as yet. As it is spent a packet! 

Weather was grey and we hit a shower but was brief. Some sun now but wicked wind. Whistling through study window - most annoying. 

Trump totally wacko! Pulling troops out and shutting down government over his arsine wall.


Boxing Day - quiet, cleaning up from the feast, enjoying our gifts (simple), listening to music, texting with the Caius Chums.  


The run up to New Years. Still fighting a cold! Seems to have moved from my head to my chest. 
Out to UC yesterday for lunch with DS. Had not seen him in a while. Told me hos dad died on July. Came as a shock to me. Apparently his mum out here over the holidays.

Out for Indian food tonight with Beth and Tom. Will discuss possible deposit of my academic material at Contway at HMS.

To UC Monday for New Years celebration. Looks as if weather will be wet!


Last day of the year. Packing for Club and New Years drinks, dinner and fireworks on the Common. As it happens not going to 4 Seasons for brunch on the 1st. GP never made a reservation. So will come back here on 1st and make toast, eggs and kippers. J will make her special drink. 

And so will see what 2019 holds. It will be a transition year with a move to Salem. I pray it all works well and we find something we will be happy with. 

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