Saturday, 1 September 2018



                               Journal de Septembre

1st - Back. I have always regarded September as the start of the year rather than January. This comes from having spent most of my life in academics and research. There is a palpable stirring of new life with the arrival of September, the putting away of the enervated heat of the summer (and this as was warm indeed for too long), the easy indolence of endless days of dreaming of nothing in particular.

This month does quicken life for me and makes me anxious for serious intellectual reading and pursuits. So yesterday purchased a new book - Burning Secret by Stefan Zweig and I am well into a biography of the early life of Tennesse Williams and still reading The Years by Ernaux.

I will mark the start of this new season this "new year" by getting a haircut. its disgraceful but the last I had was in London in June - two months ago. So off to Boston and my hair cutter, David.

There has been a palpable change in Cambridge. Tourists are fewer but students more noticeable. Move in day for Harvard Freshman was this past Monday and upperclassmen arrive. whilst in Boston yesterday going tot he MFA to see the Pastel and Casanova exhibitions the tram whilst passing Northeastern revealed many students moving into housing in the area. The University was festooned with large displays of colourful balloons.

A new beginning for many perhaps...

2nd - Weather turning warmer. Bright sunny day today. Will be 30+ tomorrow - UGH. Am tired of this hot weather. Up early - feeling horney but no time to deal with it.

Out to communion service this AM. Left my hearing aids at home so heard virtually nothing of the service. Got a bagel and cream cheese from Darwin's on the way home. After breckers - about 12 gathered up bags and set off to market. Walked to the market via Brattle St. Thought this would be quieter than Mt Auburn but there was considerable traffic for a Sunday and holiday weekend. Walk just under two miles. Bought more than intended  like two btls. of wine. They were on sale so could hardly pass them up.

Quiet day now. Road closed as usual on Sunday. Lots of runners, bikers and people on the river. Idyllic - a sort of patria in urbs…

3rd - Labor day. End of summer. Classes begin tomorrow at Harvard.

Return of heat humid weather. 32+ today and warm and high dew points through week.

Walked this AM early - 2 miles. Went along Longfellow park on Mem. Dr then past hospital and returned Mt Auburn St to Univ. Road and down past Monastery to river and back along Mem. Dr. Was coolish and breezy when I set out. By the time I returned was sweating copiously. Thought my pedometer was not working but apparently was. Now sorting papers off my desk - long overdue - looking for consulting agreement which I can't find. May have left at Club. Ugh.

Wrote Peter and sent him briefing papers on CNDx. Need to get from him electronic copies of amended consulting agreement. He is away now settling his daughter at St Andrews in Scotland. I hope she enjoys it. Cambridge might have been a better choice. But than she's not my daughter.

4th - Primary day. Went out early to vote. After voting walked for an hour - circuit along river and Mt. Auburn St and back to Peets for a coffee. Whilst there three younger people come in. One woman (late teen actually) was thinner than rail! She had leggings on that fit so tight we could tell she wore panties and not a thong. Not attractive at all. Why bother!

Had an iced redeye - cool drink was good after walk.

Interesting report in WASHINGTON POST this morning suggesting new pols showing Trump loosing support and as a consequence bodes badly for the rat-publicans in the midterm elections. We shall see.

Barbara Scalvini wrote from Quaritch. She sent the scans from the #Commonplace book that Hanson was looking for. I forwarded this to him.

Just had notice today from Company House that accounts doe this month. Shall do this by end of next week.

5th - Another warm day. Walked early this AM. Read some in the Lyle Leverich biography of Tennesse Williams.  Long book but fascinating. He led in some ways a troubled life but was genius in writing drama.

Meeting Heidi at Club this afternoon to discuss company funding ideas. Given heat and humidity would almost wish I'd postponed this.

Life rather dull just now (But for the political news - but that best ignored. Confused as to what the future holds and how and what I wish to do now and future. Perhaps will focus more when this hot weather goes - too enervating just now. The only decisive thing I've done is to resign my membership of the Club of Odd Volumes.

6th - Hottest day yet this week. But again went out walking but only did 2 miles and a bit. Frankly unpleasant. Stopped at Darwin's on the way back and purchased raisin toast for breckers.

Three thoughts struck me whilst walking:
1. Walking in hot humid weather sucks!
2. Given the traffic along my current route I suppose I could be struck by a car and lie on the road bleeding out as I'm taking a blood thinner. _ Happy thought.
3. Everyone in Cambridge walks faster than I! Even old ladies. Ugh/Grr.

Good meeting with HP yesterday re company. Club was busier than I thought it might be, AP there with a good sized group in the bar. Thankfully we were in the Granary Room which we had to ourselves.

7th - Weather finally  broke. Cooler and overcast today. Better walking today. Did over 4 miles - including the walk to Broadway market where we bout wine and food for dinner tonight. Out to ART tonight to see the new musical/show n[based on poetry by Langston Hughes. KZ kindly gave us complementary tickets. Lots of crowds in town! The Yard (Harvard Yard) just packed and not just with students.

Besides walking, food shopping, a little reading and reviewing accounts a quiet day. Theater tonight will be the high spot.

8th - Bit of a lost day. Apparently my letter of resignation was never received at the COV executive meeting today. Where might it have gone? Seems I'll need to send an email to some people.

Food shopping early today - a hassle for any number of reasons (like our zip car with a dead battery). Out of sorts and frustrated this AM.

Yesterday evening the play (Musical - performance - dance recital - Hard to pin down - All of these. Based on a poem by Langston Hughes and titled "Black Clown" was superb. It was compelling, challenging, currently relevant and just damn well done. Great Cast. Our young friend KZ really talented as assistant light designer.

9th - Slept in this AM after first waking at 3AM having shut light off at 22:30 last nght. Out of bed about 7.

Walked today and after walk stopped for Brunch at Park on JFK St. Walking home saw this "GAME" being played in JFK Park.

 No Idea what the game is! But involves carrying a stick between your legs and throwing a ball. Seems to be some sort of goal (open ring on a pole).

The stick bit struck me as vaguely erotic - a new way to get off???
Somehow don't think this is an officially recognised varsity sport at Harvard!

10th - Woke early (3:30) then fell asleep again - fitful sleep until 7. So got up late with an overwhelming sense of sadness and loss. Anxious about the future but causes obscure to my reflection. Over coffee played the hymns I have chosen for my memorial service - morbid I know and Pathetic. But the exercise was cathartic - shed tears even! For whom? Myself? The past? The World?

Had errands to run - take sweater to cleansers, get milk for J and walk for exercise. Set out after 10 and wen along river to Anderson bridge and crossed at the point. Then along river to the Weeks foot bridge and crossed back. Up to JFK St and to store (No Milk) and dropped off sweater. Then home and as I came down Mt Auburn I saw the house that was to be replaced by a new structure totally destroyed -

Breaking up Housekeeping

11- Anniversary of the terrorist attacks in NYC and Washing DC.

Up early. Day not as wet as promised but more humid and damp cool. Did not warm as much as originally predicted. But apparently plenty of rain last evening.

Went out to take my jeans to be taken in at waist. I must be shrinking despite what the scale says. These would literally fall right off me. Embarrassing that ]despite my svelte figure and shapely ass!

After dropping off trousers walked back home to meet J and set off on a w2alk along the river.


Noticed these along the river. See them lots of places in Cambridge. Don't know the proper name but I call them "Start Burst after the pattern of the flowers. I like them and they can be very fragrant.

This one of the many sycamores along the drive and river. They are shedding their bark. They do most years some but this year is a major shedding season. They produce these wonderful patterns as they shed. One of the lovely things for us here along the river.

Walked with J for about two miles across the Anderson bridge to the Weeks footbridge then crossed the drive and headed to the Square and to Peets Coffee shop. That was a bit of a but - very full and no place to sit. AND they had none of the beans we wanted. So we moved on to the Coop for a coffee. Needed to land somewhere as I needed to make a "wee weaty" as is  said.

To bank after coffee to collect our Czech currency and then a quick stop at CVS pharmacy.

Finally home very sweaty and tired - in all covered over three miles.

Making bacon cheeseburgers this evening - accompanied with aw decent claret! As my mates form Caius say - "Only in America…". I assume they mean the claret with the burger.

13th - Cooler today but still humid = will it never change? Up early. Mad3e some breakfast after coffee and a wash. Felt I needed something prior to library committee meeting at Union Club. Left about 11:20 for Club and git there a little after 12. Stopped at the bar where C made me a Sazerac. this with cognac. C had burned a CD for me of songs by J Christy from his collection - some from 1946 and others from 1955. These latter when she was more sure and at her peek.

Library committee meeting went OK. Wonder why we have AA on it. Seems to insinuate himself into these types of things. Oh well harmless fo0r the most part.

Met Hanna and Jon for drinks yesterday evening at Union Club then home to make open faced chicken sandwiches with gravy - most tasty...

14th - Up early. Out about 10 to walk, get money from bank and see if cleaning was ready - wasn't. Back to home. Did work related emails re consulting contract etc.

Light lunch - leftover tuna salad. Out tonight. GP gave us his Red Sox tickets just behind dugout. Will have some dinner at Eastern Standard prior to game. Will see how that goes - usually packed out.

Reading - in addition to a short novella by Zweig -Burning Secret - I am working my way methodically through Lyle Leverich' s The Unknown Tennessee Williams. This sis a study of his early life. A fascinating read given the subject. What comes across is his major talent but also the troubled nature of his life. Am also dipping into his Journals a book I acquired some tome ago but have not spent much tome reading. But Williams in his own words and  musings is a revelation of the creative but difficult life.

15th- Up early. Later walked. Stopped at Darwin's to get raisin toast for breckers. Home by 11. Worked on papers and arrangements for UK/Prague trip on 25th.

At ballpark last night. Dinner at Eastern Standard. My meal a waste of mun! But the Trappist ale from Spenser Abby was good.

 METS at Redsoxs - Total disaster of a game 8-0 METS.
Sox had only 4 hits! METS pitcher was actually awesome. Sad for a good team like the Sox to loose to the METS.

Some real asshole METS fans near us - Clearly TRUMP supporters! The worst - fat loud mouths.

17th - Out all day yesterday to New Bedford with the "Houghton Voyagers" - Went (ended up 7 of us) to the Whaling Museum at New Bedford. I'd been there when I was about 12 yo. Unrecognisable now - it has grown a good deal. Really well done exhibits etc. Had lunch at Freestone City Grill near the museum. Not bad but not great food. Liked the décor of the place and it's bar. Dark wood - cozy. Not a big place.

Wrote JL this AM re plans about raising capital. Lunched  today with SE and AA at Union Club. Dropped off papers for PM at club re consulting agreement for the company (CNDx).

Will work at home tomorrow on trip arrangements etc. Departure only 8 days away. Need to choose clothes, polish shoes, sort papers and books t bring to Q's.


Model of Whaler


18th - Wet, humid and excessively damp day! Up early again. Walk early to avoid storms. Before going out we lost power. No explanation but no power. By the time I got back from my jaunt the power was back - off for about an hour.

Decided to go to market for some essentials. Needed to do this when there was a break in the rain which by 10 and after was a torrent. Final got out about 12 when rain slacked off. Whilst out got a flu jab at the pharmacy at the market - for me also a tetanus booster. This last cost me 20 dolars as a  co-pay. Medicare would not cover it.  I ask why? Thankfully the prescription drug plan I have covered most of the cost. But despite that I spent a good deal of my life in academic medicine I can say without reservation that health care in this country if a rip off.

Back and went to bank and to by ground coffee at Peets and finally home and a late lunch.

Compiling books list for possible auction sale at Skinners in November. But need to sort of several issues. Mainly hw to put reserve on items. Would hardly want tp see a $3000 book sell for $50 because no one showed at the auction due to a rain storm. Have come up with a list of 14 books appraised by Quaritch for 16,550 in 2014. Will see where this goes after being in touch with Skinners and dealing with my questions.

Rain and storm nearly blown off but still grey and dark.

19th - Dark grey morning. Cooler and dewpoint dropping. Out before 8 to walk. Was going to take a modified loop going I-under the Eliot bridge and back along river bank. But way under bridge totally flooded (likely 6+ inches of water) so turned around and finished the hospital loop - just over two miles wi9th stop at Darwin's to pick up raisin toast for breckers.

Once home brewed more coffee and started looking at bank accounts and paying bills.

Eliot Bridge

Flooded path on extreme left not visible in this photo.

21st - Woke late today after broken sleep last night. Was no going to walk today but changed mind and went out at 11:15. Went up along Longfellow park crossed over to Cambridge boat club and went up river as far as the Northeastern Boathouse. Then turned and came back along river and crossed over at our place. Stopped for a "wee wetty" and to change shirt am=[nd loose sweeter as it turned very warm walking. Then to bank. Once I'd crossed University road a young man crashed into me on my blind side and nearly knocked me over. He said nothing by way of apology so gave him a dressing down about running into partly blind. So this was a dangerous morning what with cars running red lights and barrelling through cross walks. I was lucky to survive the 3.5 mile walk!

Heard nothing as yet from auction people about my questions. Do wonder I shall hear at all. Told then in my last email 5that I'd be leaving for London on 25th. So this is now 3 days off and still not all buttoned up and pulled together. Need to search out a sweater to take and decide on a Jacket or two.

Warmer than yesterday but still quite nice compare to previous week or two.


                                                                                                The Northeastern Boathouse I pass along the river . It is about 1.5 - 2 miles above my place here on the river.

Rather a bit of a poke from Northeastern main campus.

Still reading the Tennessee Williams bio. Almost finished.

22nd- Autumnal Equinox. Autumn begins tomorrow. 3 days to departure for London and Prague. Trying to pull al together, packing - clothes - papers - meds etc. Laundry to be done.

Up early today. Went to Darwin's for raisin toast. Out before ten to Broadway Market for odds and ends, wine, rolls etc for dinner this evening.  Will make burgers.
Day cloudy/overcast. Cool but not cold. There was a stiff breeze alo9ng the river early but dropped when we went out to market.

Wrote JR about meeting up in London. Agreed to lunch at The Dove in Hammersmith. on 26th.

Will discuss plans to possibly sell here in Cambridge and move to Salem. Nothing set in stone. But possible move is appealing...

23rd - Ist Day of Autumn. This year has seemed to go quickly.

Up early. Coffee and toasted bun then off to chapel for services. Seemed to have scaled back on the bother of what they have done in the past for the communion service. All tot he good. Saw BB and walked tit he Farmer's market with him. He after cauliflower and I for green beans. Discussed his health issues as I'm his medical proxy.

Home and ordered sandwich to share for lunch from Darwin's.  Then J and I walked to Shaw's market for odds ands ends. Walk about 2.5 miles. In all I did a little over three miles today.

Back home and now packing for trip as well as trying to sort out other clobber to take. CHH in La Palma with his family. Rented a villa with 4 bedrooms. Looks lovely.

Oh finished the biography of Tennessee Williams last night. Fascinating.

Realized in reading over these notes what a bloody boring life I seem to lead recently.
Don't seem to be introspective at all recently. Pre-occupied with thoughts of selling this place and moving to the North Shore.

SSJE chapel at Monastery up the block.  I like the space.

25th - Off to The Big Smoke this AM. Up bloody early at 4! 

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