Tuesday, 22 October 2013



Her: so I have a question
HIM: sure
Her: Is it a bad idea to base our future/my future on a relationship that may go bad for whatever reason and I am stuck or left in a position where I am unfamiliar?
Him: I <3 (i). Any relationship may go bad if you let it and no it hardly matters if you are in Boston or NJ or Yemen. But why do you think this relationship has gone bad???
That puzzles me that you would suggest that by your question.
Her: I am not saying this relationship has gone bad
Him: it sure sounds that way to me or as if you are anticipating it shall
Her: I am asking you if it were to go bad, is it really a good idea that everything relies on your partnership?
Him: You have to commit and commit without reservation - we have discussed this. If you do not trust me, my love, my concern or whatever say so now. If you want someone else in your life tell me now.
Her: No I don’t want anyone but you. I trust you with everything that I have but if you are willing to give that up or whatever for one lame night or you not agreeing with a decision I made - then I will have to think about how much I should really put into this... everything or part.
Him: Never said that at all ever tonight - simply said you disappointed me. Nothing else
Her: right nothing else for an hour.
Him: Look I told you in my text and a thousand times I don't change nor does my love or commitment to you change because you disappointed me. How many time do I have to say it for you to understand that Porkchop. Besides it was 26 mins. not an hour.
Her: it was like 2 hours
Him: Jules look at the time stamps on the phone!
You wrote at 8:10 then not till I asked you numerous times if you were at bar and in fact called you three times during intermission at symphony - look at your missed calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her: yes i was at the bar
Him: Ha no kidding
Her: sorry i missed your calls
Him: Do you want me to give you the whole time sequence???
Her: no
Him: I did not ignore you - It is impossible for me to do that no matter if I am really angry which I was not!!!!!!!!
 Her: ok, i didn’t know you were driving home.. I was driving at the same time you were driving I guess.
Him: yes I suppose
Her: but i was scared you were ignoring me (not knowing you were driving)
Him: Look I am not angry - not ignoring you - not anything like that
Her: ok, I know now but I thought you were and it wasn’t a nice drive home
Him: Well never jump to hasty conclusions - and know this I would never do that. I am incapable of ignoring you
Her: ok
Him: ok?
Her: I love you Leandor and I am so sensitive towards you. You say I can hurt you so easily, but you know what? You can do the same to me.
Him: I love you Jules - If I did not you would not be able to disappoint me from time to time by what you do - part of the equation see.  I did not intend to tonight you were hasty in drawing that conclusion.
Her: Yes and I am glad I was wrong.
Him: Good.
Her: grrr.
Him: grrrr is right. I just think that blowing off class for the reason you did was silly, irresponsible, juvenile and plain stupid.
Her: and on top of it the bar night was sucky and lame- (if you want to stuff it in my face then go ahead)
Him: No. Just learn from the experience - so tell me about it pls.
Her: it just sucked.
Him: ya how so - who was there besides the great and good BvOp?
Her: The people he invited or friends.... the personalities just did not mix well. I mean everyone was nice but there was no like community convo where everyone can jump in at some point
Him: Oh ya that does suck.
Her: mainly because there was this girl who was there (she was in my classics class) and she has a sort of dominant personality so she just over rides everyone and on top of it most of the night she and BvOP were just talking about inside jokes. Was so lame at the bar when I went it was just me, the girl Nicki, some kid and BvOP. Oh and some other kid so there were 5 of us all together
Him: ya
Her: I mean Nicki is nice but she just likes to be in the centre of attention
Him: Well I will not throw it in your face but thought it might be something like that from the beginning - am sorry porkchop really I am.  I do not like to see you like that - you are too nice a kid. Well whatever water over the dam
Her: And then so they were talking and I was talking to this one kid that was majoring in economics and then we sort of stopped to see what everyone else was talking about and then Nicki goes "Yea she moved to Jersey, UGH, and it is not New Jersey it is Jersey, can you believe that!?" and then the economics kid turns to me and he says "Do you know what they are talking about? " and I say "no, but I am from jersey" and he goes "Oh damn, back up! Stay in your corner!" and then Nicki kind of stops but doesn’t know what is going on.
Him: HA.
Her: And then 2 more people show up and we all move to a bigger table but I get up and decide to leave because it was so not worth staying and I finished my 2nd beer and I wanted to see you... so then I don’t sit down and I put on my scarf and Nicki is like "Where you going?" and I say "I have to go home because if I stay i will drink more" and she says "Well that is the point" and I say "No I have to drive home" and she says "Where are you driving ?" and say "jersey" and she is like taken aback and the economics kid is like "ohhhhhh "
Him: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO JULES
 Her: And then she tries to cover it up and say "Haha I never been to jersey but they say it is the armpit of the states" And I say "ok well not northern jersey"
Him: good kid
Her: and then BvOp tries to make it better and he says "Oh i lived in jersey once" And I was like "ok bye guys" and just left.
Him: she is like BvOp's main squeeze?
Her: I don’t know and I don’t give 2 shits.
Him: Ok Ok.  Look have a suggestion for you -
 Her: Yes?
Him: Ok so when I am in UK why don’t you see if you can get some people - like Jeremy, Austin, and your new friend (Frankie???) and ya Davey if we can stand him for like a Monday or Wednesday or possibly Thursday after class happy hour at local bar?
Her: ha maybe.
Him: Just friends for a causal drink or two. No big pup crawl but just for friendly convo etc. and oh ya Indian guy.
Her: yea maybe
Him: and the girl who hangs with smokers. Do it after class though girl.
Her: Yea ... why do you suggest it?
Him: You organize it.  Because I know stuff about you porkchop.
Her: ha what stuff?   I know stuff about you too.
Him: Never mind. Yes you do.  I know about your needs.
Her: So overall you were right and I should have gone to class and next time he asks me to drink i will do my shit first and then go whether he is there or not there.
Him: Yes.
Her: not "he" but the people who is there drinking
Him: I never saw the reason you went out of your way to begin with.
Her: yea.
Him: Well do what I said - those people are nice at least and have interesting convo.
Her: yes.
Him: Feel better some now?
Her: mm sort of. I mean yes about you and me.

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