Tuesday 9 October 2012


The Aphorist

To love truly is to want the other free, and this includes the freedom to walk away. Love is not about possession or property. Love is no prison where two people are each other’s slaves. Love is not a commodity, either. Love is not capitalist, it is revolutionary. If anything, true love shows you the way to selflessness. AGNÈS C. POIRIER

When you hide your life away from everyone but yourself – you risk losing it and the love and affection that might sustain you….

If you fail to see who truly loves you then it is your heart that is blind not your eyes....

She gave away more then she had to give and did not know the poverty of her own soul...

When you dismiss from your life the one who loved you unselfishly and best you risk never finding another to love you even half so well...

The past is a closed door - a sealed room which only memory might open...

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requires.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio, et excrucior.

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